Destination Isla Cedros: Dave Marciano visits Bass Bonanza

A cedros Calico with the Hard Merchandise crew Friday morning came early after running around the previous day picking up the Hard Merchandise crew from LAX and getting them settled in San Clemente for a brief stay. Dave and Joe Marciano had made the trek to California to join myself, Sergio, and the rest of the Angler Chronicles crew to board a flight to Cedros Island. We had done this trip the year before with Team Accurate and had phenomenal Yellowtail...


Destination: Cedros Island, Mexico

Recently we have had a lot of people asking us whats our favorite spot that we have fished within our travels. There are so many exotic places in the world to fish but most take a concerted effort to get there by plane, trains, and automobiles. If you are looking for a fishing destination that has a good population of fish in a very rustic setting there is no better place than Cedros Island. This small gem in the fishing...


Team Accurate visits Cedros Island, Land of the giant Yellowtail

Accurate friend Dave Marciano was looking to do something different in the way of fishing and wanted to take his wife Nancy along for the adventure. After talking with Sergio about the Cedro's Adventure experience, we decided to take the plunge and book it. We left for Cedros on a Monday with the van stopping at my house in San Clemente to pick myself, Dave and Douglas (Nilsen Twins), and our guests Dave and Nancy Marciano of Hard Merchandise fame...