The Details to Successful Fishing

People that do not spend time on the water have no idea the time that goes into a fishing trip. No matter if its on a day boat, multi day boat, or on your own boat if things are not somewhat organized the percentage of failure increases and the possibility of losing a fish or missing the opportunity to catch one is always present. In life details sometimes can make or break you. The probability of success can be greatly influenced...


A Visit to White Island, New Zealand with Team Accurate.

  Ben with a Nice Kingie from White Island Jack Nilsen and myself just got back from visiting our friends at Decoro fishing Kane Tapper, Matt, and Trevor. The basis of the trip was also to spend some time out at White Island which is an active Volcano 30 miles off the coast on the north island off of Whakatane. Kane had been wanting us to come over for round two after the weather killed the last trip the previous year.   We spent...


Accurate Visits New Zealand’s White Island.

WHITE ISLAND NEW ZEALAND Jack Nilsen and myself took a trip a couple years back to visit our friends at Decoro fishing Kane Tapper, Matt, and Trevor. The basis of the trip was also to spend some time out at White Island which is an active Volcano 30 miles off the coast on the north island off of Whakatane. Kane had been wanting us to come over for round two after the weather killed the last trip the previous year. We spent...