Destination: Cedros Island, Mexico

Recently we have had a lot of people asking us whats our favorite spot that we have fished within our travels. There are so many exotic places in the world to fish but most take a concerted effort to get there by plane, trains, and automobiles. If you are looking for a fishing destination that has a good population of fish in a very rustic setting there is no better place than Cedros Island. This small gem in the fishing...


Your Checklist to Success on your Next Fishing Trip

Sean Canova with a fish from homework done prior to trip Many anglers look forward to their weekend fishing trip to get time on the water doing what they love. More times than not their trips are not as successful as they can be and a lot of that comes back to the old saying " Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance". This little article will give you a good start how to plan out your fishing trips to increase your percentages...


The Art of Listening to Catch more Fish.

The results of listening to the right anglers and captains on how to fly a kite and what tackle to be using to troll a flying fish. There is so much to learn if we can truly listen to what people are trying to tell us. Spending most of my life fishing, first with my father, and later in life with some of the best in the business has taught me it is very difficult to listen and truly hear what...