October Moves – The NY/NJ Anglers Favorite Month

October is a magical month in the NY bight! The first thing anglers notice is that change in first light means sleeping later and fishing into the premature dark longer. The nights begin to chill, the day’s highs start in the 70's and struggle to make the high 60’s by months end. The ocean, however, holds on to the summer heat a little bit longer. The first of the month sees water temps in the 70’s, then the 60’s are...

Sea Bass

Form Follows Function: The Black Sea Bass Opener

    As I sit and type, my thoughts are almost exclusively of the opening day of Black Sea Bass. In New Jersey, this Sea Bass season is one of heated contention. It seems that a shift in fisheries management in this region has neighboring states like NY fighting for quota, and anglers and captains in NJ screaming about seasons and limit. It is quite a mess, and with good reason! According to the fishery managers themselves, the species is 240% rebuilt!...