July 2015 Accurate 5-Day Trip; American Angler

The annual Accurate sponsored 5-day trip on the American Angler started out fishing kelp patties for 20# yellowtail and school size yellowfin tuna. Day 1 finished with everyone catching near limits of both yellowtail and YFT. Day 2 was at Cedros. More 25-30# yellowtail and 5 white sea bass. Day 3 had us north of Cedros fishing in the same area as day 1. With all the passengers having as many yellowtail and YFT as they wanted, we went "trophy...


How to Choose Your Next Reel

Working at Accurate we get daily calls from consumers on "Which reel will work best for me in my area". Here are a couple suggestions to help you in researching your next reel purchase. By answering the following questions listed below you should have a clearer idea of what reel will be better suit your fishing needs. What area do you live in and what are your targeted species? This is the first question we ask consumers. The diversity of fishing on...


301 Pound YellowFin on ATD 50

Accurate Pro Staffer, Gary Lecroix,  landed a 301 pound yellowfin tuna using his Accurate ATD 50. Gary is fishing with, Charter Host, Jack Nilsen on the annual Royal Polaris / Accurate Long Range trip. Gary was fishing a “Salami” mackerel bait in the “buffer zone” outside Clarion Island, Mexico.