Accurate 14-Day American Angler Trip (Jan 10-24, 2018)

We returned from the 2018 Accurate 14-day trip on the American Angler with 141 yellowfin tuna, 11 over 200# and 8 wahoo.  We had fantastic sardine hook baits and great weather traveling down and during the 6 days of fishing.  Traveling home was a different story.  2 1/2 days of  “E-ticket” ride.  Brian and AA crew did a fantastic job putting us in the right position to hook and land fish.   A special thanks to Action and Jordan for providing fantastic meals all trip long, especially during the rough weather traveling home.  As with all of our past trips, the regulars got to become friends with the first timers by playing “31 card game”  on the travel days and by the time we got to the fishing grounds we were fishing with long time friends, cheering for everyone that got bit and cheering even louder when the fish hit the deck.  I also wanted to acknowledge a couple of long distance new guests from Germany.  Michael Sengotta and Alex Rosch chose to take their first long range trip with us and had great success.  Michael hooked and landed a 285# yft on one of the Accurate/Calstar/Izorline loaner outfits.  He won first place jackpot, a Accurate Boss reel and the Acrylic Accurate trophy.  Alex made a fantastic video that he posted it on the BloodyDecks.

I wanted to thank all the trip sponsors:  Accurate Reels, Calstar Rods, Izorline Spectra/Fluoro/Mono, Salas Lures, Tac Glue, Island Tackle/Swifty Mfg and Sportsman Seafood Fish Processing.  I also wanted to congratulate the 10 anglers that caught the 11 cows (Tom Mato caught two cows in one afternoon, show off).  Here are my trip photos that tell the real story of the trip.  Happy/smiling faces.  We are scheduled to have a lot of fun again next year.  If you want in, contact Lori at the American Angler office.

Enjoy the trip photos and captions,



Jackpot Photo: Michael Sengotta (1st place, 285#), Bob Vacchetta (2nd place, 248#), John Yarbrough (3rd place, 236#), Gary (255#)


Darren won a daily prize from Izorline: spectra, mono and shoulder strap


Daily Prize Winner: Tom Mato won a black Accurate Boss reel


Kambiz Moradi won a Daily Prize from Calstar: 775 3XH blank


The 285# jackpot tuna also won Michael a Accurate Boss reel for the days daily prize


Michael’s 285# tuna also won the Accurate trophy for the largest fish caught by anyone using a Accurate reel during the trip
Roy, return passenger from last year. Now he is a veteran.


A German smile for a really large tuna
Tom is working hard, or is the fish working Tom?
Jordan and Action working hard in the kitchen for all of us. Thank you for over 1000 fantastic meals served.


Mato on the bow rail with our good crew buddy David keeping him out of trouble.


Nice rail shot Tom. Now we get to see what you were pulling on in the bow.



You must know someone to get all these photos of your fish posted on the web.


Alex (left) and Michael, glad to have you come all the way from Germany to experience Long Range fishing.



Nick, hope your back is feeling a lot better.


In Matt Sala’s famous words “Oh _ _ _ _, I’m bit”


Kambiz, you found the perfect fighting position on the boat.


Justin, you have this look like you caught a very big fish recently, did you?


Bob, what a gentleman and great fisherman you are.
The last thing that fish see before “lights out”
Brian took a lot of photos with my camera. This is one of my favorites.


I used the newest Accurate Valiant BV2-800N, with 100# spectra and mono to land 100# tuna. It was pretty easy to do.


This is a 100# outfit. The 800N Valiant is on a 775 XXXH Calstar
Congratulations John Yarbrough on 2nd place with this 236# at o”dark 30 in the morning. Early bird gets the worm, or cow in this case.
Me prying on the 255# hooked on skipjack. With the tune hooked in the upper lip, 40# of drag at strike was not enough, even when pushed all the way to full, so it was squeeze the spool time.


This cow has the longest 2nd dorsal and anal fin.
The AA crew celebrating with John and myself


Tom and Brian
Kevin fishing yacht style


This is what I call crew help
Nice Cow Kevin. Great photo with Captain Brian.


Kevin oufit on a Accurate backup. Justin posing for a Accurate poster shot. I’ll show this photo to Jack.
Sam, nice fish. Now you are hooked on long range fishing.  It is all Kambiz’s fault.


Bob won this 775 4XH rod as a daily prize and put it to use on the trip.
This is what a heavy 775 4XH rod look like when a 248# yft bends it.


Way to go Bob. 248# 2nd place jackpot tuna.



Jim “fishes hard” Simondet. Great job getting bit all trip long.


Rocco man handling Ron’s 175# class tuna. That is Bob’s other side in the foreground.


Great to have you on the trip again this year Steve.


Darrell about to finish off a nice tuna.


Matt, looks like you got one.
Our cook, Action was so busy, he had to reel in a yft from the galley. We all heard of rail fishing, but this is window fishing.  Rocco is documenting it in the background.


Michael with another nice fish that will be traveling back to Germany.


Rail shot of a 192#. Nice posing by the crew.


Get um “Panda”
Nice Cow, now get back in the boat.
Look a this happy trio.


Mato’s first cow, he got another cow right after this.
Russell was able to lower the all time low score down to 5. Way to go Russ, that is not easy to do.
“31” Tournament final 12 semifinals, Table 1: Jim, Russ, Roy, Joe, Nick, Kambiz
“31” Tournament final 12 semifinals, Table 2: Rocco, John, Bob, Matt, Action, Michael
“31” Tournament Final Table: Rocco, Bob, Joe, Jim, Russ, Michael


The 6 finalist with 31 tournament direction Tom Mato
31 Tournament winners: Joe Skinner (1st), Russ Hanano (2nd, 1st loser for the 2nd year in a row), Michael Sengotta (3rd)
31Tounament Director Tom Mato
Joe Skinner’s “31” custom made champion’s trophy

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