July 2015 Accurate 5-Day Trip; American Angler

The annual Accurate sponsored 5-day trip on the American Angler started out fishing kelp patties for 20# yellowtail and school size yellowfin tuna. Day 1 finished with everyone catching near limits of both yellowtail and YFT. Day 2 was at Cedros. More 25-30# yellowtail and 5 white sea bass. Day 3 had us north of Cedros fishing in the same area as day 1. With all the passengers having as many yellowtail and YFT as they wanted, we went “trophy hunting” by moving north up to the “43” to try our luck on the large bluefin tuna. It was a Saturday and there were a lot of private boats there with us. We managed to get 6 hook ups and landed 3 of those. This settled the trip jackpot.

The Jackpot Winners Were All  Bigger Model Bluefin Tuna (boy do I wish I could have hooked one like these)

Congratulation to the Jay Love (1st place, 178# BFT), Chuck Hone (2nd place, 177# BFT) and Daniel Oh (3rd place, 125# BFT). Thank you to Accurate Fishing Reels, Calstar rods, Izorline spectra/fluoro/mono, Baja Fish Gear, Salas lures, Sportsman Seafood Fish Processing, and Bob Smith Industries (BSI Instaflex) line connection glue.  Below are the daily prize winners of Accurate pliers (Roger Kuramoto), Young Fisherman with Accurate head gear (Steve Hath and Parker Simpson), biggest BFT of the day (Jay Love), honorable mention for 2nd biggest tuna of the day (Chuck Hone), white sea bass winners (Roger, Trevor, Daniel and Kub not in photo), Accurate reel winner (Trevor Osaki), Calstar rod winner (Kub Ito).

I hope you enjoy the trip photos of the passengers catching lots of fish and having a good time. I hope everyone can make it back next for more “fun and games”.  Sign up with Lori in the American Angler office.  Also, check out all of the other Accurate scheduled long range trips.

Thanks for checking out this trip report,
Gary Teraoka


Congratulations Roger Kuramoto for Winning the Raffle for the Accurate Pliers
Young Fisherman co-winners Steve and Parker (great having the younger generation onboard)
Congratulations Jay Love for Big Fish of the Day and winning the  Izorline Spectra, Fluorocarbon and Mono
Congratulations Chuck Hone on the 177# BFT and for Winning the Baja Fish Gear Gift Card and Swag
The White Sea Bass Catchers;  Roger, Trevor, Daniel and Kub (not in photo due to error by Gary)
Congratulations Trevor Osaki for Biggest White Sea Bass Winning a Boss 2-Speed
Kub Ito Won the Calstar 800M for Biggest Fish on Day 1 (30+# YFT)


Fred, let’s have a beer after you land this fish
Rick, How do you like your new Fury 2-speed?
Harry, you are being bombed by Mike
Doug, Thanks for bringing son Steve on the trip
Mike, Nice reel and a pretty big dodo that Justin is holding up wearing a great looking t-shirt
Dodo, taking a photo with LeeAnn, “Curtis Chapman”, and “big tuna” Lovie (nice reel)
Steve, it was great meeting you and supporting your enthusiasm and desire to fish
What’s wrong with this picture; crew holding rod and passengers holding gaffs ( and Roger is smiling?)
Tim, thanks for bringing son Parker on this trip. Hope you both had a great time.
Daniel on his first long range trip (limit of YFT, limit of YT, WSB and a 125# BFT; he’s hooked)
LeeAnn with a nice crewmember. The yellowtail is even nicer than David. Too bad I forgot to rotate this photo 90 degree clockwise.
Josh, Nice shirt and great meals, thanks
Fishing buddies, ready for a hookup
Drew, no more Monster for you
Parker, it was great meeting you and hope you and cousin Steve can make a future trip with us.
This is too much fun, but “too much fun is not enough”
Trevor with his first ever “biscuit” and good for a Accurate reel daily prize
Me showing off the special 6X jig that Matt Salas gave me (30+# Yellow)
White Sea Bass with Roger holding a BX2-30N

Roger (smiling, holding a BX2-30N) and his

Jay, I am guess that is a 178# BFT on the other end of the ATD-12
Daniel with a 125# BFT on a loaner Accurate BX2-30N reel and Calstar 875H rod
What a crew (David, Andrew, Landfil [the other Brian])

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