The Coming of Braid.

A 30 lb Mono reel set up and the current 30 lb braid set up. What a difference. During the late 80's and early 90's a west coast fisherman named Russ Izor who later developed a company called Izorline found some of the first Spectra Fiber lines introduced and told us that fishing as we know it would change in years to come. Man was Russ right. Once Spectra was adopted by fishermen the whole tackle setup, both rod and reel...


The Power of a Rod

Cousins Jig Rod loaded with a Mexican Yellowtail doing work with a FURY 600N picking up the line. The Power of a rod especially during a battle with a gamefish is the single most important factor to landing the fish. Without the pressure resulting from the parabolic bend of the rod its a hand line game which turns out to be a hand to hand combat with no leverage, end result is lots of pain and most likely a lost fish....


Go Fly A Kite: Kite Fishing in Todays fisheries

Go Fly A kite? Todays fisheries see increased boat pressure, more anglers looking for the fish of a lifetime, and fisheries we have not seen exist in our lifetime reemerging, people are looking for ways to increase their percentage for bites. With all these factors staring us right in the eye the emergence of the kite has been accepted with open arms especially here on the West Coast for the big Bluefin that have shown up in the last 3...


A Visit to White Island, New Zealand with Team Accurate.

  Ben with a Nice Kingie from White Island Jack Nilsen and myself just got back from visiting our friends at Decoro fishing Kane Tapper, Matt, and Trevor. The basis of the trip was also to spend some time out at White Island which is an active Volcano 30 miles off the coast on the north island off of Whakatane. Kane had been wanting us to come over for round two after the weather killed the last trip the previous year.   We spent...


East Cape: The Paradise below the border. By Mark Rayor

Reflecting back to 1991 when Jen and I pulled up stakes from Southern California and moved to Buena Vista. Compared to today that time was like the stone age. There was only one phone in our little town and communication was very limited. No internet, no cell phones and importantly during hurricane season no weather forecasting. In those days all the local resorts pulled their fishing boats and closed up shop for August, September and into October. I quickly found and...


Destination Isla Cedros: Dave Marciano visits Bass Bonanza

A cedros Calico with the Hard Merchandise crew Friday morning came early after running around the previous day picking up the Hard Merchandise crew from LAX and getting them settled in San Clemente for a brief stay. Dave and Joe Marciano had made the trek to California to join myself, Sergio, and the rest of the Angler Chronicles crew to board a flight to Cedros Island. We had done this trip the year before with Team Accurate and had phenomenal Yellowtail...


Team Accurate visits the Tarpon of the Boca Grande Pass in Florida

Kozo with his first Tarpon July in the fishing industry welcomes the annual ICAST show in Orlando, Florida. The who's who's of fishing tackle is present at this show to introduce new products or display existing products to the domestic dealers as well as global distributors throughout the world. This show is the biggest dealer show in the world where you can see the biggest names in the industry with the coolest, new fishing products hitting the market in the near...


East Cape comes Alive: The old Norm is back.

Jen Wren in route to the fishing grounds. The East Cape fishery has gone from zero to full throttle in a period of 10 days. It has been a tough,  for anglers but now the tide has turned and the place is hitting on all cylinders. Tuna, striped marlin, wahoo and roosterfish have all shown up in volume with an appetite.   Nice Skinny for a happy angler Our area has always had such a prolific fishery anglers have come to expect great things...


Destination: Panama. Team Accurate visits Sport Fish Panama Island Lodge

Twins with the Prize. Anglers worldwide consider fishing in Panama as a bucket list entry and for those who have experienced it understand why. The journey to Panama city from Miami, Houston, or Los Angeles is a direct flight that is between 4 and 6 hours depending on the airport. The Accurate crew flew out of LAX to Panama city which took us approximately 6 hours flight time and with our host Shane Jarvis of Panama Sport fish Island Lodge setting...


New “Migrations” video hits the airways with Accurate Reels.

We are really proud of our recent involvement with Jason Arnold in his new web series of four video installments of fishing adventures through the 2017 season. Partnering with Jason in this venture is AFTCO, fine makers of waterman apparel, Accurate Fishing Products makers of high end reels built in the USA,  Costa Del Mar glasses known for their high end eye wear, and legendary Bertram yachts. We are proud to announce Migrations. Click Here:  "Migrations".