Accurate And George H.W. Bush – United By A Love Of Fishing

With the unfortunate passing of former president George H.W. Bush, we would like to share some interaction we had with him in something I think we all share and that is a love of fishing...


Years ago, my sons and I had the good fortune to meet George H.W. Bush at a Safari Club convention. We learned that President George H. W. Bush was going to be at key note speech at a dinner at the end of the show. We knew that “41” was an avid fisherman, so we decided we wanted to give him an Accurate Rod and Reel. Our friend, Lynn Rose, talked to a few people about our gift to the president and then we waited.  At the show’s end, we were getting ready to close. Out of nowhere came two golf carts with the “41” in one cart and General Norman Schwarzkopf in the other, surrounded by security. President Bush rolled up to me and said, “Hi Jack, I’m told you have something for me.” All I could say, was, “Yes, Sir I do!” standing at military trained attention. “41“ and I spent the next 20 minutes talking fishing. He quizzed me about the Accurate Reel asking all the questions one of my fishing friends would ask, except this was the former President of the United States.














That started a long time friendship.  I would send him reels for birthdays and when we came out with new stuff.  “41“ always responded with a personal Thank You letter. That was the one and only time we met, but we bonded over a mutual love of fishing. I am proud to consider us friends.




See the photo of “41“ in his fishing work shop with an Accurate Sticker on the wall. I have never seen that sticker in a better place.














God Bless President George H. W. Bush.

Jack Nilsen

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