American Angler Accurate 5-Day Trip Report


We left the dock early on the annual Accurate sponsored 5-day trip, prepared to fish Guadalupe Island.   A fantastic load of huge hook bait sardines were already loaded on the boat.  As we approached Ensenada to check in, we received information from the Royal Star that Guadalupe was not happening so we changed course and headed towards Geronemo Island/Sacramento Reef area.  Everyone was able to land several 20# class yellowtail.  When not hooking yellowtail we hooked and released so many 4# class Calico Bass that they became a nuisance.  We traveled another day further south looking for tuna but only found one stop for a handful of yellowfin.  Back to Sacramento Reef for more yellowtail.  Fished off-shore for the last day and found some dorado.  We got to see a big Mako Shark steal Rick’s last fish of the trip.   And another fun trip comes to an end.

I wanted to thank the sponsors for this trip:  Accurate Reels, Calstar Rods, Izorline Fishing Lines, Salas Lures, and Baja Fish Gear.  I hope everyone can make it back next year.  If anyone wants in on the fun next year, just give Lori a call at the American Angler office.

Thank you all,

Gary Teraoka

Congratulations Jackpot Winners: David Thomas 27.8#, Gordon Toguchi 27.6# and Kub Ito 25.4#.
Congratulations to David Thomas for winning a 300 Valiant for the Daily Prize for the largest fish. Gordon, Paulino and Chris received an Accurate hoodie as runner ups. I won an empty box.


Congratulations Harry Yamada for winning the Izorline Daily Prize of 500 yds of 65# spectra, 30# fluorocarbon and 3 spools of XXX.
Congratulations to Greg Peterson on winning a Calstar 800H rod as the Daily Prize.
Tom landed this nice dorado using a 400 Valiant and Calstar 800XL loaner outfit.


Skipper Brian’s older brother and niece Jami used their Kiyohara skills and landed these nice yellowtails.


Rick and the guys at table 4 are having a great time.


David, is this the jackpot yellowtail?


Tom, Jay, Chuck on the rail with Nick patrolling the deck.


Gene showing us how a yellowtail swims to eat his bait.


Newest crew member Austin, holding up Jami’s yellowtail.


Skip, “are we having fun yet” (see answer later in this post)


Justin checking out my rod and reel. Nice shirt.


Chris with a bent Calstar.


Welcome back Jordan. Now he is expanding his culinary expertise. Great snacks and bread everyday.


Michael, John, Albert and Brian trolling.


Michael, John, Albert and Brian drinking beer (looks very similar to trolling, but different).


Having fun Doug?


Hey Allan, what do you have on that blue Valiant of yours?


So that is what you had on your blue Valiant.


Albert, always smiling.


Hey Kub, tell Roger we missed him and tell him what he missed.


Greg, good job winning the Calstar rod. Is this the fish?


Dr. Mike, you can put your tongue back in, the exam is over.


Mike, leave Gordon alone, Paulino might get jealous.


Gordon, what is Fred looking at?


Hey Bill, nice weather behind you.


Paulino, did you get any good GoPro videos?


Harry, I did not get the email that said blue shirts today. Justin must have.


Captain Brian with niece Jami.


Hi Lee Ann, looks like fun.


Smiling Mike with Tom trying to copy him.


Jami looks like she is really concentrating.


Chris, hope you had a great time fishing with your brother running the boat.


Yup, Skip is having a good time.

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