Destination Isla Cedros: Dave Marciano visits Bass Bonanza

A cedros Calico with the Hard Merchandise crew

Friday morning came early after running around the previous day picking up the Hard Merchandise crew from LAX and getting them settled in San Clemente for a brief stay. Dave and Joe Marciano had made the trek to California to join myself, Sergio, and the rest of the Angler Chronicles crew to board a flight to Cedros Island. We had done this trip the year before with Team Accurate and had phenomenal Yellowtail fishing for three days straight and we were looking for the same.

Dave and Sergio with a Sheephead.




We were picked up bright and early Friday morning and we were on our way south to Ensenada at 6am. (Cedros Adventures, the outfitters we use makes it very seamless picking you up at your house and delivering you to the airport with all your tackle, ready to fly.) Once across the border we stopped for a quick breakfast then on to the airport to catch our 9:30 am flight. The plane to Cedros Island is a 12 seater that is not real small but big enough to fit all people plus tackle. Each person is able to bring 40 lbs plus a bundle of rods. The flight down to the island is about one hour and 45 minutes where they hug the coast line down then fly you over several other small islands off the coast of Mexico.

Once you land on the island you are met by a van from Cedros Adventures to scoop up you and your tackle then make your way to the resort. The Cedros Adventures compound is nestled high on the cliff above the pacific ocean with the most amazing views. Each night while sitting comfortably on the veranda with a cocktail in tow you will see the most amazing bait balls cruising the surface right out front. During the right time of year you will witness the yellowtails actively feeding on these bait balls in the afternoon. Many guys take a long jig stick and catch them from the beach right in front of the resort.

Nancy Marciano with the rare Golden Bass

As for the food, every night the ladies put together a great dinner of either a mexican dish, fish, poultry, or a killer steak which is usually the last night. Water and sodas are part of the inclusive deal but if you want booze or beer they will take you to the store to get whatever you are looking for. The accommodations are extremely comfortable with either a bathroom in each double room or a bathroom between two rooms. The daily alarm is around 5:30 am with breakfast ready to go at 6:00 am. We usually make a couple sandwiches to go along with the burritos they make for lunch everyday. You fish all day so food and drink is important. You will board the bus at 6:30 am to make your way down to the harbor to get on the pangas. Each panga will carry 2 or 3 guys for the day of fishing depending on how many are in your party. They are very spacious and most of the captains are commercial guys that fish the island year round so they know whats going on with the fish.

The Twins of TwinDrag® with a healthy yellowtail.

Fishing during season is pretty spectacular and the local targeted species includes Yellowtail to nearly 50 lbs if your lucky with plenty of 25 to 30 lb yellows under the bird schools with surface iron as well as deeper on the yo-yo iron. The Calico fishing is out of this world under normal conditions with lots of 3 to 5 lb fish and trophy fish up to 8 or 9 lbs for the lucky anglers. One very unique fish is the Golden Bass which is a beautiful mix of colors in the day light and they really are great eating table fare. They have a great halibut fishery on the sand beaches around the island for some good size flatties that will bite jerk baits, plastics, or live bait when available.



Cedros is a bountiful fishery and if the fish are really on it can be a magical place with 200 plus fish days on the calico bass and 20 plus yellowtail on surface iron during a normal morning bite giving you a complete experience on the artificial baits.

No matter what kind of fishing you prefer Cedros Island has something for your fishing pleasure. Looking for the bucket list places in the fishing world this is definitely one to check off.

Hope are your fishing lines are tight ones.

Team Accurate


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