East Cape after the Hurricane with Mark Rayor of Jen Wren Sportfishing

black-2It has taken a week for conditions to get back to the great bite we were experiencing prior to hurricane Newton. I thought we were finally back on track when my cell phone rang. My conversation went like this , (Captain Diego) hey boss, (translated to English) we are going to be late. (me) que pasa? (Diego) We threw an ear on the starboard prop. (me) okay, I’ll be ready when you get here. Did you catch any fish? (Diego) yeah, it was a pretty good bite, tuna, dorado and a jumbo black marlin. Five minutes later my phone rings again, it is the anglers on the boat. Mark, are you going to have a boat for us tomorrow? (me) Of course, you are fishing with Team Jen Wren and we have you covered. Just be ready on the dock in the morning.


Threw an ear have no fear. We keep a spare set of new 4 blade nibral propellers for all of our boats.black-1


Better late than never here comes Diego steaming in on one motor. Jen Wren III trailer is ready, the 35 Cabo is loaded and out she comes on the beach over the sand. Fifteen minutes later the prop is changed, shaft is checked and we are ready to boogie. Just another day in the life…





Okay, that was my day, now for a little more of a report. A week ago Monday night Hurricane Newton passed right over the top of us packing 90 MPH winds. The good news is the storm didn’t dump much rain and was moving between 15 and 18 miles per hour. Little damage was sustained in Los Cabos but it did have a huge impact on fishing conditions.rooster

Water temperature in the Sea of Cortez dropped more than 10 degrees over night. The tidy blue water turned an ugly coffee color. Gamefish ducked for cover and were nowhere to be found. We only lost one day of fishing because of the storm but lost three days of catching. Day by day the water has cleaned up and also warmed up to the degree that it is beautiful again. Seas are calm and gamefish have come back to the party.




Mark lives the life and we are super stoked to be part of it.

Until Next time.

Hope all your lines are tight ones.

Team Accurate




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